Ankle Squeezes in Sway Back Pose from The Pain-Free Program

4 Responses to “Ankle Squeezes in Sway Back Pose from The Pain-Free Program”

  1. cris mills says:

    Is the basic goal of this exercise to teach the body to disassociate the back extensors from glute activation and pelvic stability? I did just realize you mentioned that more technical detail is in your dvd. Would you recommend this for an individual with an extension dysfunction, or as you mentioned would you just re-adjust the hip position as to not accentuate lumbar extension?

  2. Hi Chris,

    That is possible application but not the basic goal. Getting the spinal extensors into passive extension so that it turns “off” the gamma loop keeping them engaged. Then the perturbation of the squeezes causes them to contract and relax creating post isometric relaxation and improved symmetry. But there is much more….

    It could be used for a person with an extension dysfunction but probably not someone hypermobile in lumbar extension. If you did use it, I would modify slightly by having them actively control how much extension was allowed. You could also modify the hip position as mentioned.

    Interestingly, even a person with extension dysfunction will find this position comfortable due to the associated thoracic extension.

    Thanks for your question.

  3. ben says:

    Great stuff Anthony,
    Usually we have been drilled to keep ‘neutral spine’, not too much sway, etc. Now it makes sense why yoga and some breathing exercise (qigong) may occasionally have postures that are *not* neutral spine, but serve the purpose of having less tension in the neck, traps and certain parts of the lower back. brilliant!

  4. cris mills says:

    thanks for the reply Anthony,
    the relevance of getting the neural signaling to the paraspinals (gamma loop) to relax using post isometric relaxation, and a neurally relaxed lumbar posture is something i hadn’t considered. Awesome. I work with alot of surfers, often exhibiting extreme hypertonicity througout the lumbar musculature, both injury related and activity induced. I can, and will start utilizing this in my programming. Thanks

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