Corrective Exercise Four Point Rotations

When we prescribe a corrective exercise to our client, there are multiple factors that go into the decision making process. For an exercise to be appropriate for a client at any given time, we have to consider the 4 characteristics of every exercise:


The Four Point Rotations is an exercise when looked at analytically, can successfully address these characteristics for many client types. This is an effective exercise to emphasize hip motion while unloading the spine and decreasing the threat for those with lower back pain.

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4 Responses to “Corrective Exercise Four Point Rotations”

  1. Ron Arbel says:

    Fantastic exercise taking the flexion & extension of spine (cat/cow) and adding lateral variability! Surely to be a new favorite for my clients!

    • Thanks Ron. I’m sure your clients will love it. Also removes the need for coordinating the cervical spine with the motion as in the cat/cow to change things up a bit.

  2. tom says:

    *biomechanical-can they perform correctly
    *neurological-pain free
    *psychological-do they feel good about the exercise
    Can you fill in the physiological reason and would I be correct on the other 3

    • Hi Tom. Some quick feedback for you….

      Biomechanical-yes to your answer but also what is happening biomechanically? And this includes the arthrokinematics (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, internal/external, lateral flexion, etc.) and arthrokinematics (roll, glide, spin), range of motion, force vectors, and relationship to gravity naming a few.

      Physiological-sets, reps and their relationship to fatigue and execution. Pliability of the tissue resulting from the presence or absence of heat and hydration. Where do you place this exercise in the sequence?

      Neurological-yes to your answer. In addition we are looking at the neural complexity (how difficult), stability requirements, motor unit recruitment, proprioceptive content, apprehension.

      Pyschological-yes to your answer. But also are they confident in the movement? Do they see the value in the movement? Will do they do the movement on independently of you?

      Hope this helps!

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