The Pain-Free Movement Specialist Introduction

The time has come for the fitness industry to rise to the occassion and better serve the 1.5 BILLON people world wide that are suffering from chronic pain.

See what the opportunity is and how Function First can share what has worked for us over the past 20 years working with the chronic pain population.

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16 Responses to “The Pain-Free Movement Specialist Introduction”

  1. Rose Ann says:

    Thank you for putting this out there to trainers. It can be frustrating trying to find help for those in pain. I am interested in knowing more. One of the facilities We have a warm water pool in which is the beginning for some to be relieved of pain. This program could add more options.

    Thank you for what u do!
    Rose Ann
    AFAA Personal Trainer and group fitness instructor, AEA water fitness instructor

  2. Sue Grzesiuk says:

    Hi Anthony, I have been using your method for pain free for 8 years now, it is very useful for all my clients. When are you coming back to Seattle for a workshop. The first one I attended was 8 years ago. You are one of my Mentors in the business. “Thank you”

    To your health
    Sue Grzesiuk C-PT, AHFS

  3. Debbie Douglass says:

    I would be interested in knowing more about your program, how I can increase my skills and what I offer in my training, and how it might benefit the members at the clubs I manage.

    Thank you,
    Debbie Douglass
    ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, Certified Arthritis Instructor/Master Trainer

  4. Jill Giddings says:

    Please let me know what the course looks like, and the costs. Thanks!

  5. joyce honour says:

    Can I really use your program if I’m not a college educated physical therapist?
    Will I really know what I am doing?
    Joyce Honour
    certified ACE personal trainer

    • Hi Joyce. Yes, you will be able to use the program but it will require study. You do not need to be a physical therapist (I’m not) and the goal of the program is not “treatment”. We leave that to the licensed professionals.

  6. Pain is an amazing motivator and if you listen to what its telling you you can begin to enjoy your life so much more. Yet we still have programs that have you push through pain as if it doesn’t exist. Well it does exist and needs to be addressed. Anthony I dont think people realize what pain is because they are either taught to ignore it or just work through it.Over the past years I’ve learned so much from you on ways to help my clients continue to progress without having to abuse themselves just to stay up with a program that is hip and trendy. I’m in!

  7. todd says:

    Please send me some info about the online curriculum.


  8. Alan Severs, MA,CSCS,CES says:

    Please send information regarding your program. Thanks.

  9. Patty Tatem says:

    Thanks Anthony!
    I’ve been waiting for more Indepth study from Function First. I’ve used your Pain Free corrective exercises with my clients for a number of years and look forward to this next opportunity to learn.
    We need some on site workshops in the Southeast.

  10. Deb says:

    Anthony –

    Count me in on the cert and how I can be of help to you to spread the word, and teach the work.

    Excited to see/lean more and thanks for the free eBook! Thank you so much for the announcement message!

  11. Lynda says:

    Please send me more information about your training.

  12. Kevin Murray says:


    I’m available to answer any specific questions you may have regarding The Pain-Free Movement Specialist curriculum, and supply with you more detailed information. In case you haven’t been able to see our information page – here is the link:

    Please feel free to contact me directly @


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