Posts Tagged ‘lower back tightness’

Relax the Lower Back with Both Versions of the 90-90

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Have you ever been standing at a cocktail party, or Christmas shopping and your back just starts to get achey and tired? Or, after awkwardly lifting your baggage from the overhead compartment, your back tightened up?

Sometimes the muscles of the lower back just need a break NOW. And sometimes lying down is not an option. Using the infamous Wall Sit as an option when your back is not cooperating may be the short term reprieve your lower back needs.

In this brief video, Anthony shares why and how this could be your “break glass in emergency” option. Taken from his book, The Pain Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain, you’ll quickly understand the value of these two options.

Foam Rolling for Lower Back Pain

Friday, March 12th, 2021

For as long as foam rolling has been around, it still seems that people are doing 90% of the same areas of the body and with the same moves. Having had the good fortune to speak on many of the facets around the myofascial component, I’ve both seen and explored many interventions directed toward myofascial mobility. Since most people have or have access to a foam roller, I’d like to share this very effective application for the lower back that you may have never tried.

When I have participants experience this self-myofascial release application at a presentation, the “oohs” and “ahhs” fill the room. That’s because they are exploring a stimulus to this tissue that is brand new to them.

This particular application does have some nuances and precautions, so be sure to watch the entire video.

Leave your questions and comments below.

Lower Back Pain Relief

Friday, March 5th, 2021

This non-technical video is directed toward our clients and readers of The Pain-Free Program or anyone else looking for an accurate way to perform this familiar, lower back exercise exercise. Anthony gives you the nuances with the execution and the “why” behind the value (hint: It is probably not why you think it helps).

Anthony also suggests the best place to add to an existing lower back pain care exercise program.

Stop Lower Back Tightness in 1:00 or Less

Monday, December 14th, 2015

Shopping is one of the activities that we most frequently hear about regarding aggravating our clients’ lower backs. And what do we do during the holiday season? We shop.

The stopping and starting and stopping again. The standing around in long lines with no reprieve for our back muscles.

Couple that with the other stresses associated with the holidays and the factors that can ramp up lower back pain/tightness can get the best of us. So if you are looking for a quick and effective way to reduce tension in your lower back, you’ll want to watch this video.

Derahn shows you how to relax your lower back muscles WITHOUT stretching. It is counter intuitive for most people but it gets the job done because it goes with the tightness instead of away from it.

That’s the good news. It will relax the back muscles and for many people reduce or eliminate upper and lower back pain.

The bad news is that this is not a long term solution. It does not address the many, many bio-psycho-social factors associated with pain.

However, any time you can mitigate the discomfort, keep it from escalating and take control-you are doing something very positive for your long term success.

Try it!