Posts Tagged ‘corrective exercise’

November Client of the Month

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

We love to see our clients transition from corrective exercise to full fitness activities without limitations or hesitations. We are so happy to have Eric Brittain as part of the Function First family!

Thank you for your dedication to your health, your consistency with your efforts and the amazing attitude you bring to every class. You uplift all those around you!

Beyond Biomechanics and Chronic Pain Clients

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

The following video is an exchange between Function First Director of Education Kevin Murray and myself on the critical portions of the bio-psycho-social model. These are aspects of the client that we have to respect, acknowledge and consider when working with those in chronic pain. Understanding the interplay between the 3 pieces of the BPS model help you provide the most effective intervention possible.

Corrective Exercise Sequencing Demo

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Understanding the best way to progress your corrective exercise program for the client in chronic pain is the foundation for creating powerful change. Watch how we demonstrate the flow of the exercises.

In this video our hypothetical client has had chronic right sided lumbo-sacral pain and has been diagnosed by several medical providers with sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Our postural and movement assessments allowed us to develop our 80-20 objectives. The summary of the 20% is as follows:

*Right posterior innominate rotation relative to the left
*Asymmetrical weight shift left in squat
*Increased right lumbo-sacral symptoms on right single leg stance
*Limited right hip extension in gait relative to left

From the PFMS perspective, our primary objective is to improve right hip weight acceptance/transfer. Through the appropriate progressions, introducing novelty and reducing the threat-our expectation is that she can comfortably and effectively load that right hip better after the completion of this program.

See if you can identify the sub routines within the program.

Are you ready to be the answer for hundreds of clients in chronic pain? Then join us now while you can. Registration is only open for a few days:

Corrective Exercise Programming the Power of Sequencing

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Although there is no silver bullet to guarantee program design success, most would agree that selecting purposeful exercise with clear objectives is a key ingredient to successful programming.

To optimize “reception” from the nervous system, we must reduce the threat as we work toward our biomechanical objectives.

Corrective Exercise Program Design and the 80-20 Principle

Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

Where to start? After you have done your assessments how do you know where to begin and what to focus on?

Be sure to leave us your questions or comments in the area below, we welcome your thoughts.

Pain-Free Movement Specialist testimonial

Friday, June 5th, 2015

We are grateful to have Reyci Martorell-PFMS Level II Practitioner share with you what going through the PFMS has meant to his professional development.

Reyci gives a great example of how he has used the skills he learned in the PFMS and was even able to apply the principles in a small group setting to clients who were not in pain, but were showing signs of degrading movement with fatigue.

Is Corrective Exercise Dead?

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

This short video will explain how the evolving corrective exercise specialist must be more than a corrective technician.

Below is a third and final installment of the Understanding Pain Series.

Are Biomechanics Still Relevant for the Client in Pain?

Friday, May 29th, 2015

This video shows a powerful sequence of 3 corrective exercises that we use at Function First that can positively effect lumbo-pelvic-hip function.

Here is the second installment of the “Understanding Pain” series

We hope you’re enjoying our Understanding Pain Series thus far.

Have you ever had a client in pain present no biomechanical “red flags”? What course of action did you take? How did you help them? Share you thoughts in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

Corrective Exercise Four Point Rotations

Friday, May 15th, 2015

When we prescribe a corrective exercise to our client, there are multiple factors that go into the decision making process. For an exercise to be appropriate for a client at any given time, we have to consider the 4 characteristics of every exercise:


The Four Point Rotations is an exercise when looked at analytically, can successfully address these characteristics for many client types. This is an effective exercise to emphasize hip motion while unloading the spine and decreasing the threat for those with lower back pain.

Why MRI Findings Don’t Mean Much to A Corrective Exercise Program

Monday, November 24th, 2014

The video below is taken from a live presentation that I did at the Fit Pro Convention at Loughborough University in England a little while back. The clip is from the presentation “25 Things Your Client Needs to Know about Lower Back Pain”.

In The Pain-Free Program I discuss people wanting to identify a “villain” to give them some sense of confirmation to their pain. Imaging studies such as an MRI is a route for many to try to find this villain. What most of our clients are surprised to hear is that the results of their MRI has very little to do with the exercise intervention.