Posts Tagged ‘thoracic spine’

Walking Pose for Upper Back Postural Relief

Friday, May 10th, 2024

Sometimes fighting the direction that our spine is challenged the most can often be ineffective, fatiguing and even painful. Using other motions that challenge the body indirectly can be extremely helpful. Such is the case with the classic rounding or “hunchback”, kyphotic posture.

The Walking Pose offers a lot of convenience and benefits without the need for equipment, getting on the floor or even needing to be in comfortable clothes.

It might surprise you that a rotational exercise has direct benefits to the rounding associated with upper back/neck issues. Anthony explains “why” and demonstrates the simple execution.

Watch how we can use this great exercise just about anywhere to give the upper back some love.

Posture Snack and Upper Back Health

Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

A little interruption of static posture goes a long way. There is not necessarily a “bad” posture unless that posture is sustained and exceeds what our body likes and can tolerate. Interruptions of prolonged postures are just another way of saying “variability”. And variability is one of the core values of Function First and our sister company, Reactive Training and our Core-Tex products.

Variability is why it is important to change up your exercises every two weeks while in our program. Variability is the environments Core-Tex and Core-Tex create inherent to their design and motion.

Using a modification of an exercise many of you are familiar with, I’ll show an effective way to help out your upper back and potentially neck and shoulders. You can take advantage of a position that is gravity assisted, which often allows you get the needed changes in upper back position and movement without forcing it….and it can feel so good!

Reverse Floor Block-Anti Keyboard Corrective Exercise

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

A client favorite, this exercise has multiple benefits to the upper extremities, thoracic spine and neck region. Utilizing the arm positioning and the cueing of the radial-ulnar and gleno-humeral joints, the motor system can access the peri scapular muscles in a very efficient way.

Lengthening through the chronically shortened muscles of the wrist and forearm and isometrically contracting the middle trapezius and rhomboids produces a noticeable change in the tissue tension and posture of the upper body.

Corrective Exercise Floor Glides with Leg Extension

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

In this video we are bringing you a very influential exercise that does a surprisingly effective job at lower back stabilization as it challenges the mobility of the shoulders and efficiency of the the thoracic spine in extension.
As you are probably acutely aware, when working with corrective exercises and the client in pain, it is more than just the exercise, it is a thorough understanding of:

“For Whom?”

“For What?

And “When”

Insight into the biomechanics, psychological mindset of the client and social setting/implications of the movement all come into play and are critical to the client’s success.

Corrective Exercise-Prone Single Arm Lifts

Friday, June 14th, 2019

This corrective exercise for the shoulder and thoracic spine is significantly more challenging then it appears. A great exercise to cue the thoracic spine and scapula to better “set” their anchor points for more controlled and stable motion of the shoulder.

Three different lift angles suggested to vary the position of the gleno-humeral joint and rotation of the scapula.

Corrective Exercise Kneeling Lat Stretch

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

The kneeling lat stretch has many possible variations. In this video taken from the original Corrective Exercises for Powerful Change DVD, we show you several variations to try with your clients that effectively lengthen the lats and lateral line as well as address the thoracic spine.

Stability of the lumbar spine and shoulder girdle are critical here to protect those areas but also to maximize the stretch and tissue compliance.

Core-Tex Thoracic Spine Motion

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

This movement for the thoracic spine with the Core-Tex is sure to create improved mobility through the upper back and shoulder girdle. Varying the hand position gives you multiple options on how to influence the body.

Corrective Exercise #15

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

(Due to a server crash, this is being reposted after originally being posted on January 20th, 2010)

As you are reading this, my guess is that your thoracic spine and the lower cervical (if not all the cervical segments) are in flexion. So I’ve taken another of the exercises from the Pain-Free Program for Corrective Exercise #15.

As always, I hope to offer you a little more insight and detailed information on an exercise/posture like this that goes way beyond the obvious.
Click on the image to watch this short, informative video.

Corrective Exercise #14-Supine Hip Rotations

Friday, September 11th, 2009

I hope you enjoy the latest in my series of Corrective Exercises. Up until now, the exercises have been in written form with still photos to accompany them.

Corrective Exercise #14 has gone to video. We are currently working on a membership web site that will contain a tremendous amount of educational content similar to this. We want to get this content to as many professional as we can, so the membership fees will be very reasonable. Along with the membership, there will be monthly discounts on products and events.

Supine Hip Rotations look like a familiar ab exercise. Surprise! The ab work is down low on the application of this exercise.

The Hip Rotations is one of the many exercises presented in The Pain-Free Program: A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain. As with so many of our corrective exercises, the Hip Rotations has a lot more going on than just the obvious.